ServerCentral Turing Group, also known as SCTG, has recently gone through a major rebranding initiative, including a new website, logo, name, and domain name – The company started as a network and data center managed service provider. For the past ten years, the business has experienced double-digit, year-over-year growth, expanded its scope and services offered and has clearly outgrown its name.
We felt that the brand that we had was too limiting to service us going into the future for all the things we want to be doing for our customers. We wanted to tighten that up and represent it back to the market so that it better reflects what we’re capable of.
Eric Dynowski, CSO of Deft
The limiting was left behind last year in favor of the short and straightforward Deft is a slang word for neatly skillful and quick, which ideally represents the company’s mission to fundamentally change how businesses operate by delivering unique hybrid cloud solutions tailored to customers’ needs.
Our mission now with Deft is to deliver on the promise of technology. We want to tell [customers] that we’re going to be solving unique challenges with special technology. We listen first, we learn, and then we’re going to collaborate to figure out the solutions they need. It’s much more of a consulting, professional services discussion with the customer. We can both do the consulting and talk about everything from a high level, then also execute on that with most of our own people and our own technologies.
Jordan Lowe CEO of Deft for
We often see businesses rebranding when they have outgrown their name like Public, Hapana, Transfer Wise to Wise, and many more. In this case, Deft has not only transitioned to a shorter, meaningful, and easy-to-remember brand name but has also invested in the exact brand match domain name to highlight the company’s strengthened market positions and brand identity. 4-letter domains are referred to as 4L or LLLL.COM in the domaining industry and are considered among the most liquid domain assets someone can own.

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
branding business deft domain domain name domains naming rebrand
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