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Unlocking Branding Potential: The Creative Use of Domain Names
By Tsani Gramatikova access_time 12 min read

Domain names are powerful branding tools, a statement of identity, and, in some cases, a stroke of creative genius. Companies like Netflix, Verisign, and Google have leveraged the art of domain name selection to create and enhance their brand presence, streamline user experience, protect their digital assets and launch powerful and effective PR campaigns. 

Here are some examples of leading companies creatively utilising domain names to their advantage, setting new benchmarks in digital branding.

Netflix’s Enhances User Experience with

Netflix’s is a clever answer to a common issue streaming enthusiasts face. Frustrations with poor performance are usually rooted in internet connectivity rather than the streaming service itself. Netflix recognised this challenge and took proactive steps to address it. The core purpose of, which offers a speedy and straightforward internet speed test, is remarkably uncomplicated yet highly efficient.

We want our members to have a simple, quick, commercial-free way to estimate the speed their ISP is providing.


The domain name is short, easy to recall, and perfectly descriptive of the service it provides. The subtle inclusion of the “powered by Netflix” logo at the bottom of the page reinforces the connection to Netflix, transforming the platform from a utility tool into a pathway that could lead curious users to explore Netflix’s main offerings, an excellent example of soft marketing.

In the broader context of Netflix’s business strategy, aligns perfectly with the company’s mission to deliver high-quality streaming content. It positions Netflix as a thoughtful and user-centric brand dedicated to ensuring that users can enjoy their content without disruptions caused by internet issues. 

Verisign boosting brand engagement with and

Verisign, renowned for its domain name registration and internet security expertise, employs a notably innovative approach using and 

These domains act as comprehensive resources advocating for .com domains. Verisign builds trust with its audience by providing valuable, free information, subtly guiding them from information seekers to potential clients.

The domain name choices underscore Verisign’s knack for effective online communication. appeals to those considering an online presence, emphasising a personalised approach to domain selection. exudes action, catering to the simplicity desired in the digital age. These names are easy to remember, enhancing brand recall and engagement.

Google Reclaiming Lost Traffic with

Google expanded its domain portfolio with, a frequent typo made by users attempting to visit Google’s search engine.’s complex history posed a threat to Google’s brand integrity, leading the company to secure related domains like and Acquiring these domains was challenging, involving a complex arbitration case. 

Google’s investment in,, and marks a critical step in safeguarding its brand. 

These domains now redirect users who mistype the URL, effectively capturing a significant audience. In July 2022 alone, received an impressive 466,800 visits, according to SimilarWeb, underscoring the importance of these domains in redirecting potentially lost traffic to the correct Google site.

Cirque du Soleil Audience Engagement with 

Cirque du Soleil, renowned for its spectacular blend of circus arts and street entertainment, has secured the domain name for one of its most ambitious productions. Staged at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Kà tells a captivating tale of love, conflict, and the duality of Kà—a mystical fire.

Ka spectacle is prominently featured on billboards and banners, and the use of a short domain like plays a key role in its advertising effectiveness, ensuring that it’s easily memorable and efficient in directing traffic, offering a stark and advantageous contrast to the more lengthy It is a testament to Cirque du Soleil’s foresight in integrating their online strategy with their artistic vision.

Cirque du Soleil Audience Engagement with 

Attracting Attention to Important Causes with and Activista

Attracting Attention to Important Causes with and Activista

Activista, a forward-thinking creative agency dedicated to fostering positive change through advertising, launched an ingenious campaign for Earth Day 2021 that sparked a global conversation about prioritising our planet. This campaign was a direct response to the growing discourse around Elon Musk’s ambitions to colonise Mars, prompting experts to question if our resources would be better invested in Earth.

On Earth Day, Activista cleverly shifted the spotlight from Mars back to Earth. They strategically placed a provocative message in front of SpaceX headquarters: “Mars Sucks.” The domain name played a key role in the success of Activista’s campaign. It got the campaign’s point across in a fun yet straightforward way, grabbing the attention of the audience. The campaign quickly soared in popularity, capturing widespread attention with over 50 articles discussing the topic.  

In our interview with the founder Paco Conde, we talk about how the idea for Mars Sucks was born and executed and touch on what brands need to do in order to survive and thrive in a world where consumers are not impressed by pretty packaging and words but hold you accountable for your actions.

Coca-Cola’s Creative Use of Domains in Marketing Campaigns

Coca-Cola shows impressive skills in online branding by smartly collecting domain names for their major products and brands like and, including versions that are spelt wrong, too. The company creatively uses them in a range of exciting and engaging marketing campaigns.

Two standout examples of Coca-Cola’s inventive domain usage include and The now-concluded campaign capitalised on the universal sound of refreshment, effectively linking this simple, relatable expression to the Coca-Cola experience. Coca-Cola’s “Ahh” campaign was unique in its approach to domain registration, securing 61 different domain names. These varied from to a version with 60 ‘h’s, ensuring that any search with ‘ahh’ leads to their campaign site. revolutionised personalised marketing by enabling customers to customise Coke bottles with their names. The domains offered a direct, engaging platform for consumers, turning the act of enjoying a Coke into a unique and fun experience. 

Online presence and user experience are paramount, making the art of domain name selection an important factor in shaping businesses’ identities and achieving their goals. Entrepreneurs’ common mistake is not being imaginative enough with their domain names. Incorporating innovation into domain name selection, whether boosting brand engagement, preventing traffic loss, or expanding the market reach, the creative use of domain names can be a great tool of modern business strategy. A Creative Twist in Legal Marketing by Payas Law

Payas, Payas & Payas, LLP has taken a creative leap in their digital approach with the launch of – a bold, relatable statement that immediately communicates its mission.

Selecting a domain name that doubles as both a call to action and a promise,, and backing it with a powerful front-page message – “Injured in an accident? Fighting for justice after an accident can feel like the match of your life, trading blows with an insurance company takes strength, skills, commitment, and endurance. Hire the law firm ready to come out of your corner…swinging.” – effectively cuts through the usual legal jargon to directly connect with those in need.

The strategic launch of as an extension to Payas’ main website,, deeply resonates with potential clients. Moving away from the format of a conventional legal domain, communicates in the language of the everyday person. It reaches out to those intimidated by legal battles, providing legal services infused with a determined fighting spirit. emerges as an approachable, action-oriented lighthouse, guiding those seeking justice through the complexities of the legal system.

Simply Health Care Plans’ Innovative Strategy: Transforming Public Perception with Creative Domain Usage

In an article, John Colascione spotlights the creative use of the domain by Simply Health Care Plans, as seen in an advertising banner. The company, which specialises in providing consulting services to Medicaid-eligible recipients in Florida, effectively employs this domain to display its Medicaid enrollment assistance services. acts as a compelling call to action, drawing attention and encouraging immediate response from potential clients, boosting engagement rates and facilitating a direct connection between the company and those in need of its services.

While operating under the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain, the company is also addressing the challenge of poor reviews.

The introduction of, coupled with the omission of “Plans” from the company’s name in the advertisement, possibly signal a shift towards rebranding to Simply Health. This move appears to be a focused effort to refresh and redefine the brand’s image in the eyes of the public. Ensemble’s Creative Tribute to Travel Advisors

With decades of experience and thousands of advisors across the U.S. and Canada, Ensemble is a travel company dedicated to making dream trips a reality. On Global Travel Advisor Day (May 1), Ensemble unveiled its creative use of the newly acquired domain, This domain will be a year-round platform to celebrate and support the company’s network. 

To commemorate Global Travel Advisor Day, Ensemble launched a special video acknowledging travel advisors’ contributions to crafting memorable travel experiences. The video, widely shared on social media, showcases breathtaking visuals paired with text that reads: “Every natural wonder, every bended knee, every reunion, every bucket list item, made possible by you. We wouldn’t be who we are without you. Ensemble wishes you a happy Global Travel Advisor Day.”

Ensemble’s creative use of the domain name encourages loyalty and engagement from advisors and travellers, strengthening the organisation’s market position and reinforcing its reputation as a forward-thinking organisation that values and uplifts its network.

Billboard Battles: Lambda’s Clever Use of

SF’s 101 freeway, with its potential exposure to 6 million residents and 25 million tourists, is a desired spot for advertisers aiming to reach a large audience. The particularity of that location is that the audience consists often of tech professionals and potential clients from top-tier companies. Pricing can exceed $20,000/month, driving up the importance of having a clear, memorable domain name to insure impactful ad campaigns resulting in direct traffic.

Lambda Labs was founded in 2012 to solve complex problems in machine learning, beginning with a facial recognition API. Over the years, they’ve expanded to offer powerful GPU workstations, cloud services, and innovative products like the Lambda Blade, the first plug-and-play deep learning supercomputer, catering to top-tier clients including Intel, Microsoft, and Amazon Research. The name “Lambda Labs” was chosen as a nod to Lambda calculus, a foundational concept in computer science and mathematics that is integral to functional programming. It reflects the company’s deep focus on AI and machine learning.

Lambda demonstrated a brilliant strategy in this highly competitive field creatively using a top end domain –

Image: Sanjay Nath

The clean visual featuring just the memorable, intuitive domain name drives visitors straight to a page on Lambda’s website dedicated to their enterprise GPUs solution.

Ironically, Lambda itself does not operate on its Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain, but rather on As for, it appears not to be operational, and we will follow the fate of this domain.

The Genius of in Environmental Design’s Advertising Campaigns

Based in Houston, TX, Environmental Design is an industry leader in large tree transplanting and supply, custom growing, and tree farming nationwide. The company’s diverse client portfolio includes private estates, museums, hotels and resorts, universities, and golf courses.

A key part of Environmental Design’s marketing is its clever use of the domain name, which is effectively included in its ads, online presence, and social media. 

One of the most popular advertisements features the domain name displayed on a banner alongside images of trees being moved. This clever pairing of a strong, memorable, and self-explanatory domain name with the image of a moving tree effectively highlights Environmental Design’s expertise and professionalism, leaving a lasting impression on the audience and conveying a strong and clear message.


The power of a single domain,, sums up everything needed for great advertising. It clearly communicates the company’s services, shows where they can be found online, showcases innovation, and highlights its unique ability to capture attention.

A premium domain name is a powerful tool for businesses looking to establish a strong and professional online presence. If you’re ready to upgrade your brand and boost your online presence, contact us for more information on our premium domain name options and how they can help your business succeed.

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