Treat A Dog was founded by David Grimes, a college graduate at the time, who had an idea to launch a dog treats monthly box subscription. As a long-term dog lover and owner, David saw an opportunity in the growing pet market and threw himself into it.
Treat A Dog seemed like a good name for the brand, so David secured TreatADog.Com and off he went. Quickly, the business started offering more than just treats, and following customer demand and the huge inspiration behind the whole business – David’s French bulldog Marlie, the brand became best known for its unique pet beds. Many entrepreneurs know the feeling – when your brand takes a life of its own, and you just have to go with the flow and grab that opportunity. The existing brand name became limiting – to dogs, to treats, and on top of that, it was not an easy one to remember and spell, shared the founder in an interview with MediaOptions. was a fine name, but it was long, and not always easy to remember. End-user recall of the name was an issue. As we continued to gain traction in the pet space, I realized that having “dog” in our name was potentially limiting us to dog products, but the pet space (and my aspirations) were much bigger than just dogs.
David Gimes, founder of
In August 2019, David decided on a rebrand to match the company’s new role as a leader in the pet industry and his vision.
As any entrepreneur knows, when opportunity knocks, kick the door open and grab it! So that’s what we’re doing. is a brand that barks ‘leader’ in the booming pet category, and it is the ideal brand for us to continue to grow and expand our business.
David Gimes, founder of
And it’s not a surprise that, similar to many premium domain owners, the rebrand to is paying off for the Paw team.
Switching to has had a tremendously positive impact on our company. First of all, as mentioned before, we no longer are limited to dog products. As “” we have the opportunity to build a major pet industry brand, across a wide range of pets and products. There’s a sense of trust and authority that comes with a great name like, and that seems to give a positive boost to just about everything.
David Gimes, founder of

Other resources
- Top Pet Tech Brands and Their Domain Choices
- Cliverse Media’s All About Cats Transforms into, a Global Hub for Cat Lovers and Care
- The Art of Branding: Lessons from David Aaker, the Father of Modern Branding
- The Power of Premium Domains: How Entrepreneurs Are Investing in the Future
How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
branding business David Gimes domain domain name domains naming TreatADog
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