folder Filed in Domain upgrades
Galatea Upgrades to, Reflecting Its Status as the Fastest-Growing Reading App
By Monica Stankova access_time 2 min read

GALATEA, owned by Inkitt, is the world’s fastest-growing reading app, with hundreds of thousands of active users enjoying millions of chapters every month. The app has been operating on the domain name and recently acquired the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain 

It is common for startups to include extra words in their domain names when the EBM domain is already taken or out of budget. This can result in missed traffic, lost emails, and confusion among customers and business partners, weakening marketing efforts. is the natural choice when searching for GALATEA online, ensuring greater brand consistency and improved online presence.

Within a short time, Galatea has also transformed from a basic reading app to a platform that adapts stories and brings them to life through immersive reading experiences and audiobooks… 

Our goal is to keep avid readers hungry for more, and storytelling has never been more exciting than on GALATEA. 

Ali Albazaz, CEO at Inkitt

The name Galatea is a personal name that gives the brand uniqueness and personability. Originating from Greek mythology, the name Galatea means “she who is milk-white” and was notably borne by three mythical figures, the most famous being the ivory statue created by Pygmalion and brought to life by Aphrodite. Using a personal name as a brand name can foster a sense of familiarity and trust, making it easier for clients to connect with and remember the company.

Premium domain names are a valuable investment that can help businesses avoid the costly consequences of choosing a compromise domain. Don’t put your brand at risk – contact us today to learn more about our premium domain name options and secure a memorable, professional domain for your business.

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branding business domain domain name domain names domains Galatea naming reading app upgrade