folder Filed in Domain upgrades's Evolution: How Upgrading from Powered Business Growth and Brand Identity
By Tsani Gramatikova access_time 2 min read

Close, Inc. is a CRM platform, streamlining sales processes and enhancing customer relationship management for various businesses. Renowned for its user-friendly interface and customisable workflows, emphasises ease of use. The company was founded in 2013 by Steli Efti and Nick Persico and is headquartered in San Francisco, California, serving clients across diverse industries.

Close launched on and upgraded to the premium exact brand match domain in 2019. The domain has a rich history, dating to its initial registration in 1996. It was used by a social network for building relationships, which secured $250,000 in seed funding in 2013 but ultimately did not progress.

In a blog post, the founders of Close shared the reasons behind their decision to upgrade from the .io to the .com domain mainly to reflect the company’s growth and project the right image in the market.

Close’s evolution from a startup to a mature, stable business made the .io domain, commonly linked with early-stage tech companies, an inadequate reflection of its expanded scope and scale. 

A lot has changed since those early days. We’ve become a much more mature business with thousands of happy customers. And as the years went on, we acquired more customers and more people calling us “Close,” which is the name we’d been adopting internally as well. Beyond just the benefits of properly aligning our brand with the .com name, we knew that owning this domain would illustrate to future customers that we’re here to stay for the long haul.

Close’s team

The upgrade to helped refine the company’s brand identity, responding to the natural shift in how people refer to the company – from “” to simply “Close.” Acquiring the domain required persistence, with over five years of regular follow-ups and multiple offers. The founders reflect on this process as a testament to their dedication, which aimed to signal the company’s stability and commitment to being a long-term player in the CRM space.'s Evolution: How Upgrading from Powered Business Growth and Brand Identity

When it comes to premium domain names, it’s important to weigh the potential loss in terms of brand recognition and revenue against the cost of the investment. In the long run, a premium domain name can be a valuable asset for your business. Contact us to learn more about our premium domain options and how they can help your business succeed.

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branding business Close domain domain name domain names domains Exact Brand Match naming