Autopilot, a leading marketing automation solution, recently announced a complete rebrand to Ortto. The rebrand is a reaction to the significant growth the company has experienced and its expanding capabilities to match the new vision. Christopher Doyle, Co-founder of Ortto, shared that the decision to rebrand also comes from the company’s desire to strengthen its global presence and create greater market distinction.
When people heard our name, they thought of stand-alone marketing automation. We were also looking a bit tired and we weren’t presenting ourselves quite in the way we wanted to. Autopilot was and still is ambitious, secure, smart, insightful, and remarkable—but our name and visual identity didn’t reflect this.
Ortto team
The company’s new name, “Ortto”, a phonetic pronunciation of “auto”, pays tribute to the firm’s roots and its primary product offering of automation while leaving room for growth and change.
Ortto is an evolution of our existing Autopilot brand name. We needed our new name to be clear and concise, but still, convey what we do. The word Ortto is a custom, succinct variation of the word auto, which means to operate independently and without needing help. It also speaks to automation. We know our customers want to be able to unify and operationalize their data — harnessing its power for automation — Ortto reflects this.
Ortto team
Autopilot operated on the domain name before the rebrand. is owned by a different company with the same name. Startups often begin with compromise names when their preferred domain name is already in use. This can lead to confusion among customers and traffic and email leaks.
Ortto secured the exact brand match domain name –, ensuring that their brand is well-protected and open to future advancements, as well as maximizing the effectiveness of their marketing activities.

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
Autopilot branding business domain domain name domains naming Ortto rebrand rebranding startup
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