Established in 2005, AcelRx Pharmaceuticals is a speciality pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing and commercialising innovative therapies for acute pain treatment. With the start of the new year, 2024, the company announced a rebrand, changing its name to Talphera.
This change in branding mirrors the company’s shift in focus. While originally centred on acute pain treatments, Talphera is now broadening its scope to include the development and commercialisation of products in medically supervised settings, aiming to enhance patient care.
We were a company founded on acute pain treatments with the understanding that patient outcomes depend on the quality of the tools available to a patient’s medical team. This understanding remains the focal point of our product candidates in development. Rebranding to Talphera represents a new era of the company where we have a broader mission to develop and commercialize innovative therapies for use in medically supervised settings beyond acute pain.
Vince Angotti, Chief Executive Officer of Talphera
In their statement, the company revealed that the name “Talphera” draws inspiration from the word “Talisman,” symbolising strength and leadership, and encapsulates their entry into a new “pharmaceutical era”.
As part of this rebrand, Talphera has invested in the exact brand match domain, Opting for an exact match .com domain name significantly elevates the company’s professionalism and credibility among customers and business partners. It offers a competitive edge, setting the brand apart online and establishing trust and authority. This is particularly vital for a company such as Talphera, which has already experienced substantial growth and secured a solid presence in the market.

Premium domain names are an important investment for any brand. If you’re ready to take the plunge and secure a premium domain name for your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. We’re here to help you choose the perfect domain name and get it set up for your brand.
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AcelRx AcelRx Pharmaceuticals branding business domain domain name domain names domains naming rebrand
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