Today our guest is Vincent Cheng. Vincent has written the book “Heal The Source”, heads two companies as their founder and CEO, practices as an Infinity Coach, and works as a psychotherapist. His extensive travels to 32 countries worldwide have helped him cultivate a deep understanding of different cultures and human nature. He had been visiting Japan every year since 2013 and even lived with a Zen Buddhist monk in a 600-year-old temple until the COVID-19 pandemic halted his travels in 2020.
Meet our guest
Name: Vincent Cheng
What they do: Vincent is the CEO of both “Deepening Connections” and “Vincent Cheng Enterprises”. He is a registered psychotherapist and life/spiritual coach.
Fun fact: Vincent gave up on his promising engineering career to focus on music, eventually becoming a conductor of an opera orchestra. When he reached a point of unhappiness, he took a leap of faith and purchased a one-way ticket to delve into Buddhism.
Where to reach them:

Helping others, clients, and entrepreneurs to make real, radical change is what I do best. Most of my clients come to me seeking change, but they often struggle to take the necessary steps or understand how to bring about that change. I help them break through the obstacles that are holding them back.
Vincent Cheng
Short overview
In this episode, we talk about Vincent’s diverse background and his journey in life. We explore how he transitioned from engineering to music, Buddhism, entrepreneurship, and life coaching. We discuss the law of attraction, with Vincent emphasising how the power of our thoughts can shape our experiences. He shares his insights on how he assists entrepreneurs in managing change and overcoming their fear of trying new things. Vincent hosts the podcast “Zero to Infinity”, and we discuss its origin and the idea behind the name. We also touch on the effects of social media on our lives and self-esteem. We highlight who can benefit from Vincent’s services and how to reach out to him.
Other resources
- Louise Heite on Lucky Encounters, Living and Working Across Borders and Coaching High-Achievers
- Dave O’Connor on self-awareness, branding, coaching and entrepreneurship
- Mindful Naming: How Mental Health Startups are Choosing Names That Build Trust
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Buddhism Deepening Connections domain Heal The Source interview naming podcast psychotherapist Vincent Cheng Vincent Cheng Enterprises
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