Founded in 2009, Gravity Forms builds WordPress-based business workflow applications. The company has been operating for 13 years and is commonly referred to as Gravity. The premium domain, which had previously belonged to Yahoo, Verizon, Oath, and AOL, was recently bought by Gravity, according to a Tweet from the company.
We’ve spent the last 13 years building Gravity Forms as a brand and within our niche people commonly refer to us as Gravity when talking about our product. I never thought the opportunity to acquire the / domain name would ever actually happen. When an opportunity presented itself we had to jump on it because it was a no brainer from a branding and marketing standpoint. If we didn’t acquire it someone else would have and the likelihood that it would have truly be gone forever would have been the likely scenario so it was now or never. Can’t wait to put it to use building the next 13 years of our business!
Carl Hancock, the Founder of Gravity Forms for DomainInvesting
Brands serious about their consistent and strong presence have good domain strategy in place and often register multiple domain names for different reasons.
With this investment Gravity Forms has improved its online security, preventing traffic and email leaks and confusion among its clients and business partners.
One thing i've learned from just a few days of owning the domain name with a catch all email address is if your company begins contains the word "Gravity" people assume your email address is The single word dotcom effect is real.
— Carl Hancock(@carlhancock) March 11, 2022
How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
business domain domain name domain names domains Gravity Gravity Forms naming
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