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From to The Exact Brand Match Domain (EBM) that Led to a $44M Exit
By Tsani Gramatikova access_time 3 min read

When it comes to online business, the right domain name can make all the difference. Michael Santiago’s journey from to shows just how powerful a good domain can be. In a blog post, Michael Santiago shared how, over his 26-year career, he discovered that a strong domain could completely change a company’s fortunes. His story is a compelling example of this truth in action.

Michael Santiago’s first big break came in 2004 when he sold for $400,000. This experience opened his eyes to the huge potential of domain names. Realising their value, Santiago continued to look for new opportunities in the online business world.

Acquiring and Transforming

In 2006, Santiago spent $35,000 to buy two online businesses, including The company provided industry-leading solutions to empower the Press Release Optimizer. Although the domain wasn’t perfect, Santiago saw its potential. At first, the site earned about $1,000 a month and ran on autopilot, linking to his other projects. But in 2010, Santiago decided to give a complete makeover, adding a subscription model that boosted monthly revenue to over $20,000 by 2013.

When Santiago decided to sell the business, he met another entrepreneur who bought 70% of Together, they aimed to compete with major press release providers, knowing they needed a better domain name to do so.

The Game-Changing Upgrade to Rapid Growth and Ultimate Exit

The turning point came in February 2015 when they acquired, dropping the “i” from The switch to fueled rapid growth. This move increased the brand’s credibility and trust.

Santiago recalls that was the leader in press release distribution at the time. Because their domains were similar, many people likely mistook them for, which may have worked in their favour. People looked at them as the leaders when, in fact, they were just up-and-comers.

The impact of the new domain name was immediate, with revenue jumping from $891,866 in 2015 to over $2.4 million in 2016. By 2017, revenue had soared to $3.6 million, reaching $8.2 million by 2020. Seeing the company’s high value, Santiago and his partner decided to sell. Santiago sold his share in 2021, and in 2022, the business was sold to Issuer Direct, a NASDAQ-listed company, for an impressive $44 million. 

Why Premium Domains Matter

Santiago’s story from to shows just how powerful premium domains can be. His journey proves that a strategic domain investment can lead to significant business growth and profitable exits.

It was the absolute best domain name we could have possibly secured. Our meteoric growth started the second we bought it and did the rebrand. If you have a big vision for your company and don’t have a premium domain, you’re potentially losing out on millions of dollars, trust, and credibility within your market. It’s as simple as that.

Michael Santiago in a blog post

For entrepreneurs looking to boost their online presence, the right domain name could unlock their company’s full potential. Exact Brand Match (EBM) domains pave the way for greater visibility, increased credibility, and, ultimately, higher revenue.

Michael Santiago's journey from to shows just how powerful a good domain can be.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, a premium domain name can help boost your brand and increase your online presence. If you’re ready to take the next step, contact us to learn more about our premium domain name options and how they can benefit your business.

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