folder Filed in Domain upgrades
From .academy to .com: FACExpert's Journey to a More Inclusive Brand
By Tsani Gramatikova access_time 1 min read

FACExpert Academy is a premier provider of advanced non-surgical aesthetics education. It integrates surgical and non-surgical facial aesthetics techniques, aiming to inspire doctors with a commitment to science, ethics, and integrity. FACExpert offers cutting-edge masterclasses, live demo injections for interactive learning experiences, and one-on-one mentorship.

The name FACExpert cleverly merges “face” and “expert”. This tactic, often known as a portmanteau, is popular among brands because it creates a unique and catchy name that immediately conveys the company’s specialisation and value proposition.

FACExpert currently operates under the domain While using brand-oriented domain extensions closely aligned with the company’s identity offers immediate advantages such as availability, there are downsides. Newer extensions like .academy are not as widely acknowledged as .com, which could affect user recall and trust. They can become restrictive if the company decides to broaden its scope or diversify its product lines, potentially misrepresenting the breadth of the business. Recognising these challenges, FACExpert invested in the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain This move prevents potential traffic loss and positions the brand for broader pursuits, maintaining a solid and flexible online presence as it grows.

While it may be tempting to save money by opting for a cheaper, compromise domain name, the potential loss in terms of brand recognition and revenue should not be underestimated. Investing in a premium domain name is a smart business move that can pay off in the long run. Contact us to learn more about our premium domain options and how they can help your business grow.

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branding business domain domain name domains FACExpert FACExpert Academy naming upgrade