Apollo Brokers, a California-based digital wholesale brokerage, underwent a complete rebrand and changed its name to Limit just two years after its launch in 2020. The rebrand comes on the back of rapid company expansion, including the recent acquisition of $14.3 million in venture capital. According to the company, limits are everywhere in the insurance sector, a difficulty that the new brand Limit plans to solve in the future.
Rebranding marks a moment to celebrate. Since we started transacting policies a year and a half ago, we’ve been empowering brokers all over the country to find better coverage at lower prices in less time. During that time, we’ve spent many hours trying to find the right brand identity for ourselves. Ultimately, the word Limit stands out to us not just because it represents such a core concept in insurance, but also because the products we sell and services we provide all limit risks and costs of many forms.
Limit team
As part of the rebranding, the company also acquired the exact brand match domain name Limit.com, which is not surprising considering their promising start. Limit is a dictionary word that is brief, distinctive, and easy to remember.
Many companies are trying to get their hands on premium names like Limit.com because they are considered powerful tools for building a successful brand. They are easy to say, spell, and remember, which increases organic traffic and the overall effectiveness of marketing.

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
Apollo Brokers branding business domain domain name domain names domains funding Limit naming
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