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Agritech Companies and Their Domain Name Choices
By Tsani Gramatikova access_time 9 min read

What is Agritech?

Agritech, or agricultural technology, refers to the application of technology in agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture with the aim of improving yield, efficiency, and profitability. It encompasses a wide range of products and practices, including robotics, data analytics, genetic engineering, and sensor technology, all designed to enhance traditional farming methods and contribute to sustainable agriculture.

Evolution of Agritech

The journey of Agritech parallels the evolution of technology itself. From the rudimentary tools of the Neolithic era to today’s cutting-edge technologies, Agritech has come a long way.

During the Mechanisation Era of the 19th to early 20th century, the introduction of machinery like tractors revolutionised crop cultivation and harvesting. 

The Green Revolution in the 1950s and 1960s marked a significant period of adopting new technologies, such as high-yield crops and synthetic fertilisers, leading to a dramatic increase in global food production. 

In the Biotechnology Phase from the 1980s to the 2000s, the focus shifted to biotech, which enhanced crop resistance and productivity through genetic engineering and GMOs.

Currently, in the Digital Age, integrating digital technologies, including AI, IoT, and big data analytics, is profoundly reshaping agricultural practices.

Robotics and Automation

Autonomous tractors, drones for crop monitoring, and robotic harvesters are becoming increasingly common, significantly reducing labour requirements and increasing precision in farming activities.

Big Data and AI

The use of AI and big data analytics for predictive analysis in agriculture is gaining traction. It helps farmers make informed decisions about crop planting, pest control, and harvesting by analysing weather patterns, soil conditions, and crop health.

Vertical and Urban Farming

With the growing urban population, vertical and urban farming practices are becoming popular. These methods use less space and water, reduce transportation costs, and provide fresh produce closer to urban consumers.

Genomic Editing

Techniques like CRISPR allow more precise genetic modifications in plants and animals, promising to make them more resilient to climate change and diseases.

Sustainability and Green Branding

Eco-Friendly Imagery: Logos and visuals often incorporate elements that signify eco-friendliness, such as leaves, the earth, and natural colours.

Sustainable Messaging: Brands focus on their commitment to sustainability, often using terms like “green”, “eco”, and “sustainable” in their messaging.

Emphasis on Innovation

Futuristic Names: Many companies opt for innovative and tech-forward names, sometimes using neologisms or coined phrases.

Tech-Inspired Visuals: Brand designs often mimic the style of tech companies with sleek, minimalistic logos and futuristic fonts.

Storytelling and Authenticity

Narrative Branding: Brands increasingly use storytelling to convey their journey, values, and the impact of their technology.

Authentic Imagery: Marketing materials often feature real-life images and stories from farms, emphasising a connection to agriculture’s roots.

Fusion of Tradition and Technology

Hybrid Names: A blend of traditional agricultural terms with modern tech terminology is a popular naming trend, symbolising the merger of farming with technology.

Visual Blends: Brand imagery often combines traditional agricultural visuals with modern, digital motifs.

Community and Collaboration

Inclusive Branding: Emphasising community and collaboration, brands often use language and imagery that reflect inclusivity and partnership.

Below, we’ll explore how some companies from our list approached the tasks of naming and domain name selection as part of their branding strategies.



Agreena, Europe’s largest soil carbon program for farmers, combines ground-truth data, satellite technology, and AI to promote sustainable farming and carbon reduction. By turning reduced emissions into carbon certificates, Agreena offers farmers a new revenue source, contributing to agriculture’s vital decarbonisation, a sector accountable for a significant part of global CO2 emissions.

Carbon credits is where we have started, but ultimately, we are building a stack of different services to add multiple layers of value to farmers when they’re transitioning.

Chief Executive of Agreena, Simon Haldrup for Reuters

Interesting Fact: Agriculture contributes to nearly one-third of the world’s CO2 emissions, marking it as a crucial sector for decarbonisation efforts. Agreena’s role is novel and crucial, supporting the farming community while offering a workable resolution to a significant environmental problem.

The name Agreena possibly merges “Agriculture” and “Green”, symbolising the mixture of farming with sustainable, eco-friendly practices. Agreena has invested in the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain, enhancing its credibility and reinforcing trust and authority among potential customers and partners.


Beeflow, an innovative Argentina-based startup, designs and manages specialised pollination programs that can increase crop yields by up to 60%. The company has developed a unique nutrient-rich formula for bees to enhance their immune systems and enable them to work more effectively in colder temperatures. As CEO Matias Viel highlights, this formula allows bees to undertake seven times more flights in cold conditions than they usually would without it.

Although this is a long journey, we are starting – and we think that this can add a lot of value to the agriculture industry.

Beeflow CEO Matias Vie for CNN

Interesting fact: Bees pollinate 75% of the world’s flowering plants and 35% of crops. Research shows that over 100,000 species of plants would become extinct if the pollinating function of bees were to cease. Beeflow’s innovative approach uniquely addresses two pressing issues simultaneously: it enhances agricultural productivity and plays a vital role in bee conservation.

The company’s name, Beeflow, reflects its mission of integrating farming with nature. “Bee” signifies the focus on bees as essential pollinators, while “Flow” represents the natural, seamless pollination process.

Beeflow operates on the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain, enhancing global recognition and strengthening its professional image.


Mori, formerly known as Cambridge Crops, is a technology company focusing on innovative solutions in the food, agriculture, and packaging industries. The company underwent a rebranding to Mori to more accurately reflect the broad scope of its core technology and mission. 

We wanted our rebrand to clearly and honestly reflect the origin of our technology. Just as honey bees produce honey and beeswax, Bombyx mori create silk.

CEO Adam Behrens

Interesting Fact: About 40% of produced food is wasted in the United States alone. Globally, food waste translates into an annual $2.6 trillion USD loss. Mori aims to recapture this lost value and reduce food wastage.

The company has strategically invested in the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain CVCV domains like this offer numerous benefits: they are short, easy to pronounce in any language, memorable, and convey a positive, vibrant sound.


Ninjacart stands as India’s largest Agritech company, dedicated to improving the lives of agri citizens globally. It operates a business-to-business fresh produce supply chain, seamlessly linking farmers, manufacturers, and brands directly with retailers.

The positive response and overall social impact that Ninjacart created was a turning point for us, strengthening our vision of changing the way India consumes food through increased farmer incomes, reduced food wastage, competitive prices for retailers and safer food for consumers.

Thirukumaran Nagarajan, Chief Executive and Co-Founder, Ninjacart

Interesting Fact: Ninjacart has a vast network of over 800,000 farmers and 100,000 retailers. Its expansion includes Ninja Mandi, Ninja Kirana, Ninja Kisaan, and Ninja Global – apps designed for agri commodity traders, small business owners, agribusinesses, and importers and exporters, respectively. These platforms provide various services, including credit solutions, business management tools, expert advisory, and quality compliance solutions.

The brand name thoughtfully merges agility, efficiency, and innovation—traits akin to a ninja—with the contemporary retail and technology world, as suggested by the cart. Ninjacart captures the essence of the company’s role in connecting farmers and retailers through a streamlined, technology-driven marketplace.

Ninjacart has chosen the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain name, which aligns perfectly with its global aspirations and effectively communicates its visionary approach.


Taranis is at the forefront of the AI-powered crop intelligence revolution, merging high-end technology with expert agronomy. The origins of Taranis trace back to four friends who combined their diverse agricultural backgrounds and technology expertise to support rural and farming communities. Utilising their knowledge of advanced imaging and AI, they provided unprecedented insights to advisors and growers, offering detailed and extensive crop scouting at an unparalleled speed. Taranis’ mission is centred on creating opportunities for prosperity, beginning with our local communities.

We work closely with channel partners, retailers, cooperatives and independent crop consultants to serve growers better.

Ofir Schlam, CEO and cofounder, Taranis for Farmprogress

Interesting fact: Taranis’ advanced AI2 SmartScout Solutions can rapidly capture high-resolution imagery from planes, covering a 100-acre field in just six minutes, and gather 20 times more data points than traditional agronomists, enabling early detection of specific issues like Japanese beetle damage across an entire field.

Taranis has invested in the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain, a natural choice for most internet users and a clear indication that Taranis is here to stay.


Out of 120 agritech companies surveyed, 89 have opted for .com extensions. The .com domain, being one of the most recognised and trusted domain extensions globally, plays a vital role in establishing an online identity. 

7 companies have chosen .ag extensions. Originally designated as the country code for Antigua and Barbuda, the .ag extension has found a unique niche in the agriculture sector, given its resemblance to the word agriculture. As highlighted in our article ‘Risks and Benefits of Using Country Extension Domain Names‘, while country-specific extensions can offer benefits such as availability and local relevance, they also come with risks, including limited global appeal and potential geo-restrictions.

83 companies have chosen EBM domains. This choice ensures brand consistency and boosts the companies’ perceived authenticity and professionalism.

2 entries have opted to include a dash in their domain names. This can be disadvantageous as dashes can make the domain name more difficult to remember and can cause confusion. They can also make it harder for users to accurately type the domain name into their address bar.

While we make every effort to ensure the data on our site is accurate, complete, and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee its reliability. Our data is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal, financial, or other advice. We strongly recommend that you independently verify any information before relying on it.

In today’s competitive online market, a premium domain name can set your business apart from the competition. Don’t settle for a compromise  – contact us to explore the many benefits of premium domain names and how they can help your business grow.

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Agritech agritech companies branding domain domain name domain names domains naming