folder Filed in Rebrands
Vectorized Takes Pride in the Popularity of Its Redpanda Product and Renames the Company Accordingly
By Tsani Gramatikova access_time 1 min read

Vectorized was founded in 2019 by current CEO and co-founder Alexander Gallego to modernize streaming data. Redpanda was the name of the product developed. Alexander learnt that customers like and recognize the company by this name, so he made the executive decision to adopt the Redpanda name for the business as well.

Redpanda has nothing to do with streaming, but when we sent out surveys, people loved the name and it just kind of took over.

Alexander Gallego, CEO and Co-founder of Redpanda

Redpanda has created an open-source streaming tool designed to take a modern approach to data streaming technology, resulting in increased popularity and a $50 million Series B investment.

From an adoption perspective, we went from thousands of clusters deployed at the beginning of the year [when we launched Redpanda] to hundreds of thousands of clusters deployed by the end of the year. And today, we’re deploying more clusters per day than we did in the first six months.

Alexander Gallego, CEO and Co-founder of Redpanda

To further enhance the transition and reduce the risk of consumer misunderstanding, Redpanda has invested in the exact brand match domain name The new name has already passed audience testing since the consumers have been familiar with it for a long time.

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.

Alexander Gallego branding business domain domain name domains naming rebrand Redpanda Vectorized