folder Filed in Rebrands
Sports Marketing USA Rebrands to epikkos: Commitment to Epik Travel Experiences
By Monica Stankova access_time 1 min read

Sports Marketing USA, a leading provider of sports fan vacation experiences for over 30 years, has rebranded to epikkos™. The rebrand reflects the company’s expanded commitment to offering fan experiences beyond sports, including custom travel packages for food, wine, and entertainment enthusiasts. The new brand name, epikkos, is derived from a variant of the Greek word for “epik.” 

As we continue to expand our business, it became clear that our name did not adequately convey who we are or what we have to offer. Our decision to become epikkos reflects our commitment to delivering epik travel packages to fans who are passionate about food, wine, music, art, and other experiences beyond sports. The name epikkos accurately reflects the epik travel experiences we can deliver on behalf of our partners.

Lisa Goularte, CEO of epikkos

As part of the rebrand, the company also secured the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain, Acquiring this domain is essential during the rebranding process, ensuring a seamless transition for existing clients and partners while reinforcing the strength and recognition of the new brand identity.

Sports Marketing USA Rebrands to epikkos: Commitment to Epik Travel Experiences

A premium domain name can make all the difference in building a successful brand. If you want to take your business to the next level, consider investing in a premium domain name. Contact us today for more information and assistance in finding the perfect domain for your brand.

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branding business domain domain name domain names domains naming rebrand Sports Marketing USA