SAINT CHIC is the marketplace for innovative and trendy fashion accessories, jewelry, watches and beauty items for men, women, kids and pets. Gingie Mcleod, Founder of SAINT CHIC, chats with us about the process of choosing a brand name, why it was essential to have the exact brand match domain, and why you have to believe in your brand.
Why SAINT CHIC? What do you do and how does your brand name fit into it?
SAINT CHIC is a fashion brand. We started as a capsule collection of forward design ideas to test the market. As a long-time member of the fashion industry who has “seen it all,” the good, bad, and ugly, we started this brand to only be a part of the “good.”
What was the process of selecting a brand name like? When did you know this was the one?
We played around with some words and I just wanted positivity. My friend and colleague said to me, “okay, you want to be a Saint?” I said, “Yes, I want to be a Saint and be Chic at the same time. That’s how it happened. It was 2011 in New York City.
What was the reason to get the domain name for your brand?
It was the best way to maintain brand recognition.
How has owning affected your business? Do you own any other domain names?
Owning has been great. People ask where they can find SAINT CHIC, and I tell them to type in SAINT CHIC on any platform and boom! I also own and Chic.Pet (coming soon).

Owning has been great. People ask where they can find SAINT CHIC, and I tell them to type in SAINT CHIC on any platform and boom!
Gingie Mcleod, Founder of SAINT CHIC
How has SAINT CHIC evolved as a brand since you launched?
It’s evolved from being a small fashion line to viral success with the Paparazzi Visor®, and now to a fashion accessory destination of unique accessories for people who aren’t afraid to flaunt their personal style.
Why should entrepreneurs value their brand?
It is EVERYTHING. But, you have to have passion and conviction for your brand. If you don’t believe it and live it, no one else will.
Has the pandemic affected your company in any way? What has changed since?
The pandemic really allowed for our e-commerce destination to soar. We multiplied our revenues like never before. People with disposable income were at home shopping for things they knew they could never find in brick and mortar stores. Discovery was huge during the pandemic. Online shopping went from being a novelty to a necessity.

What do you do to make sure your marketing is effective?
A few years ago, Instagram did a case study with us and our brand performed the best because we knew our target market. You can find it on the Success Stories page. We learned a lot about digital social marketing and it worked for us. However, as the business grew, we knew that we could only take it as far as we did, and we sought to hire a marketing agency. Now we use a marketing agency to maintain a profitable ROAS.
What would your advice be to entrepreneurs who are just starting, in general, and when it comes to branding and naming?
Choose a name that is easy to say and remember. Keep the font basic. Don’t worry about trademarking until you’ve made lots of sales. Put your brand name on all of your packaging and products. Use your brand name as a hashtag on all posts. Keep pumping and pushing your brand name. My name is Gingie, but people actually call me SAINT CHIC! The brand is strong.
What is next for Saint Chic?
Licensing! We are looking to license the brand to companies and manufacturers globally. Our brand name is recognizable and there are many more products our customers will love with the SAINT CHIC aesthetic and direction.
We hope the above information will help you in making informed decisions about your brand. If you want to say hi or have any questions about naming, branding, and domain names get in touch, we’re always happy to hear from you.
Find out more about SAINT CHIC
brand name branding business name domain name domains fashion naming saintchic startup
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