In 2011, Jamie Siminoff and a team of five engineers started working on a doorbell system called DoorBot in Siminoff’s garage. DoorBot allowed users to see and speak to visitors from their smartphone. Despite limited funding, the team was able to launch DoorBot to the public in December 2012 and start shipping orders less than a year later. In 2013, DoorBot appeared on the television show Shark Tank, but did not receive an investment from the Sharks. However, in late 2014, DoorBot raised $5.5 million in funding and rebranded to Ring.
According to Ring’s blog, the company chose the name Ring because it had two meanings: the sound a doorbell makes, and the sense of security that a Ring doorbell system provides around a home. The company also acquired the domain name, which it believed would be memorable and help the company stand out.
While I am not [into] domains as an investment I think the ultra premium ones do make a big difference. When we talk to a partner and give them an email address,, they always say “wow.” Also from a viral perspective everyone can remember I think it is not one thing but many variables that make the ultra premium domains still valuable for companies.
Jamie Siminoff, Founder of Ring for NamePros
In recent years, many people have purchased and installed Ring Video Doorbells near their front doors as a means of increasing their sense of security and monitoring visitors to their homes. Those with the device can customize the doorbell sound to a more festive chime and even add a Christmas message for guests or anyone approaching the door.

Premium domain names are a valuable asset for businesses looking to build a strong, professional brand. If you’re interested in purchasing a premium domain name for your business, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information and assistance.
branding business domain domain name domain names domains DoorBot naming Ring
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