Our guest today is Professor Aaron Ahuvia, a marketing expert specialising in consumer behaviour and brand management. He recently released a book titled “The Things We Love: How Our Passions Connect Us and Make Us Who We Are,” which was included in Amazon’s list of the top 20 best business books of 2022.
Meet our guest
Name: Professor Aaron Ahuvia
What they do: Professor Ahuvia conducts research, teaches, and consults for various organisations worldwide, including governments, nonprofits, corporations, and universities in countries such as Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, India, Israel, Jordan, Yemen, Singapore, Rwanda, and Kazakhstan. His research has been featured in major publications in Europe, Japan, and the U.S., including Time, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, and the Detroit Free Press. Professor Ahuvia has also appeared on public radio talk shows and popular television shows.
Fun fact: During his PhD studies in marketing, Professor Ahuvia had the opportunity to research dating services when they were first emerging. To become an expert in the psychology of romantic attraction, he explored why people were drawn to each other. When it came time for his dissertation, he didn’t want to waste the years spent studying romantic love, so he focused on exploring the concept of brand love, which later became his primary area of expertise and passion.
Where to reach them:
- Professor Ahuvia’s LinkedIn
- Professor Ahuvia’s Youtube
- Professor Ahuvia’s Twitter
- The Things We Love website
Check out the two short videos at the top of this page to hear Professor Ahuvia speaking about brand love.

Sometimes you could think about a person the way you think about an object, and in brand love, you’re doing the reverse. You’re thinking about an object the way you normally think about a person. So in order to create brand love, it’s not enough for the product to be good. You need to do special things that get the consumer to humanise the brand, to think about the brand the way they would normally think about a person.
Professor Aaron Ahuvia
A lot of the ways you create a love for a product is to weave the product into somebody’s relationships with other people because it’s the relationships with other people that really provide a lot of the power and emotional connection.
Professor Aaron Ahuvia
Short overview
Professor Ahuvia is a leading expert in the field of consumer behaviour and brand management, having conducted pioneering research into the subject. His groundbreaking paper, Brand Love, which he co-authored with Barbara Carroll, helped to popularise the term over thirty years ago. In our conversation, we discuss the evolution of the concept of brand love and its significance in developing deep connections between consumers and brands.
Professor Ahuvia shares valuable insights into the strategies that entrepreneurs can use to create brand love and enhance customer connection and loyalty. We also explore the conscious and unconscious mechanisms of the brain and how they are affected by technological advancements, including artificial intelligence and Chat GPT.
We discuss the importance of brand storytelling and its connection to brand love, highlighting common themes between the two. At the end of our podcast, Professor Ahuvia provides insights into who can benefit from his services and previews exciting plans for the coming year.
We host engaging conversations about naming, branding, and entrepreneurship, exploring everything from initial triumphs to the hurdles along the way. If you’ve got insights on innovative branding strategies, lessons learned from entrepreneurial ventures, or thoughts on the significance of a solid domain name strategy, and you’re keen to chat about them, we’d love to hear from you!
Other resources
- Uncovering the Value of Customer Engagement with Michael Solomon
- Would you date your brand?
- Discussing Domain Names as Brand Assets with ChatGPT
- Names with stories: The story behind
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Aaron Ahuvia branding domain domain name domains interview naming podcast Professor Aaron Ahuvia The Things We Love
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