folder Filed in Rebrands
Unlocking Brand Potential: Earth Ocean Farms Rebrands with
By Tsani Gramatikova access_time 2 min read

Earth Ocean Farms, a pioneering aquaculture company in Mexico, has rebranded itself as Santomar. The launch of Santomar signals a new phase for the company as it continues to innovate in regenerative aquaculture. 

The name Santomar, which blends the Spanish words for “saint” and “sea,” reflects the company’s deep respect for the ocean, its species, and the communities that depend on it. The new brand slogan, “Sit mare Gloria” (glory to the sea), encapsulates this commitment to honouring the marine environment.

This new brand represents an important step towards generating a healthy ocean, helping to restore endemic species, and promoting economic growth in our region. Santomar is the name that defines our identity today, a wise choice, as it honours and shows the deep respect we have for our sea, its species, and its people.

Santomar chief executive Pablo Konietzko, in a press release

Santomar is committed to providing consumers with a high-quality culinary experience, offering a fish that stands out for its versatility and potential for creative cooking. The brand places a strong emphasis on meticulous processes, ensuring full traceability from broodstock handling to the production of juvenile totoabas. 

In line with its rebrand, Earth Ocean Farms has embraced a new digital identity by moving from to the premium domain With the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain, the company ensures its brand is instantly identifiable and easily accessible to consumers worldwide. It helps strengthen the connection between the brand’s name and mission, enhancing customer trust and engagement while positioning Santomar as a distinctive leader in its industry.

A premium domain name is a powerful tool for businesses looking to establish a strong and professional online presence. If you’re ready to upgrade your brand and boost your online presence, contact us for more information on our premium domain name options and how they can help your business succeed.

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