folder Filed in Domain upgrades
B9 Exchange Introduces the New Domain Name to Serve Global Customers Better and Lead the Industry
By Tsani Gramatikova access_time 1 min read

B9 is one of the world’s top providers of blockchain technology services, founded in 2021 and located in Canada. The company has refined its product lines, including digital asset trading systems and wallets, and has created an industrial closed loop of technical services-traffic-commercialization.

The business is currently operating on, and Different variations of the brand name with various domain names can cause confusion amongst customers, leading to brand fragmentation and ineffective marketing. To resolve those issues and establish a stronger brand, the business has recently invested in The new domain will allow users from various countries and regions to be directed to a specified customized account interface. It also makes reaching the company much easier for both, clients and business partners. 

Short domain names are some of the quickest and simplest ways to have a lasting impact on your target audience without leaving them tongue-tied. Compared to the previous domains used, the name also appears a lot more trust-worthy and open to potential scams, which is of paramount importance in the crypto industry. Businesses should think carefully about using numbers in their brand names, as it can come with certain risks.

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.

B9 branding business domain domain name domain names domains naming upgrade