Our guest today is Michael Solomon, one of the Top 10 Most Productive Scholars with published research on consumer behaviour, fashion psychology, branding, retailing, and marketing research in numerous academic journals. He has written over 30 books on these and related topics, as well as many feature articles in national magazines.
Meet our guest
Name: Michael Solomon
What they do: Michael is currently a Professor of Marketing at the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, he also works with marketers and global brands to help them become more customer-centric.
Fun fact: Michael’s books, including the highly acclaimed “Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being”, have educated hundreds of thousands of business students worldwide on the subject of marketing. Our Bulgarian team members are no exception and were eagerly anticipating this interview.
Where to reach them:
COVID did not cause any of the big changes we’re seeing now, but merely accelerated them because they were already happening. The single biggest and most important development in marketing in the last 20-30 years is the ability of consumers to interact with the brands. Consumers are no longer passive recipients of brand messages – they are actively taking control over what they buy, where it comes from, and how they get it.
Michael Solomon
Many brands have a great story but don’t tell it because they think people don’t care. However, that isn’t the case today – people are interested in hearing the story behind brands. Entrepreneurs have the advantage of being part of the founder’s story, which can really resonate with people. People love hearing about the two sisters who couldn’t find a gentle enough baby soap, so they invented their own in their garage, for example. That’s the kind of thing that really resonates with people today.
Michael Solomon
Short overview
Michael Solomon is a well-known expert in consumer behaviour and brand marketing. We begin by discussing his background and career path. We touch on recent changes in consumer behaviour and the impact of COVID. We go through topics like the significance of a founder’s story in brand identity, understanding consumers, the role of customers in branding, and more. Michael shares his insights on customer-centric business models, influencer marketing, AI, and the importance of branding. He offers advice to aspiring marketers. Time flies by when engaging in discussions with seasoned industry leaders like Michael. His wealth of knowledge and expertise on consumer behaviour and brand marketing is truly invaluable. We are honoured to have had the opportunity to host him in our series, and we are eager to welcome him back for future discussions. We hope you enjoy it too.
Other resources
- 35 Experts Share Their Best Advice for Naming Your Business
- Why investing in your branding is the best strategy for your business
- How much are domain names worth?
- Then and Now: How branding and marketing have changed
- Your domain buying cheat sheet
We host engaging conversations about naming, branding, and entrepreneurship, exploring everything from initial triumphs to the hurdles along the way. If you’ve got insights on innovative branding strategies, lessons learned from entrepreneurial ventures, or thoughts on the significance of a solid domain name strategy, and you’re keen to chat about them, we’d love to hear from you!
Premium domain names are an important investment for any brand. If you’re ready to take the plunge and secure a premium domain name for your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. We’re here to help you choose the perfect domain name and get it set up for your brand.
branding domain domain name domains interview marketing Michael Solomon naming podcast Professor of Marketing Saint Joseph's University
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