folder Filed in Domain upgrades
Prune Upgrades to for a Seamless and Stronger Online Presence
By Monica Stankova access_time 1 min read

​Prune is a fintech company offering a comprehensive platform that enables users to manage, grow, and optimise their wealth by organising transactions, monitoring financial health, and creating budgets. At the end of 2024, Prune secured its Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain,, upgrading from Thanks to Lumis for sharing the acquisition.

Domains with extra words can be less intuitive, harder to remember, and weaken brand identity and marketing impact. While they can work as short-term solutions, they don’t offer the clarity, trust, or seamless branding that an Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain provides. is the most intuitive way to find the company online, reinforcing brand consistency and strengthening its digital presence. Dictionary-word .com domains are highly valued for their simplicity, memorability, and credibility, making them powerful assets for brand recognition and online visibility.

The right domain name is an important consideration when it comes to building and protecting your brand. If you’re ready to take the next step and invest in a perfect domain name for your business, contact us to learn more about our available options and how we can help you get started.

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branding business domain domain name domain names domains naming Prune