As part of the launch of its Visual Commerce platform designed for eCommerce and retail businesses, DigitalBridge has rebranded as Fixtuur.
Our business has evolved vastly over the last couple of years, and our brand needed updating to reflect who we are today.
Fixtuur Team
In this interview we talk with James Lewis, Chief Operating & Product Officer at Fixtuur about the process of rebranding, when is it needed, the vision and purpose of Fixtuur and what’s new and interesting in their future plans.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how Fixtuur got started?
Hi, my name is James. I’m the Chief Operating & Product Officer at Fixtuur. We’re based in Manchester, UK.
Fixtuur started 8 years ago as DigitalBridge, building consumer-facing online design tools for home decor retailers. Whilst we initially focused on visualizing virtual wallpaper, our platform can now be deployed for multiple categories including bathroom furniture, garden furniture, tiling and radiators.
How did you get the domain name? Was there an “aha” moment when you knew it is the one?
We did a lot of brainstorming, thinking about the market we were in and who we were building solutions for. We collected thoughts and ideas from the entire company which revealed some great avenues that we hadn’t previously explored. We narrowed down to a handful of potential names and one of the obvious benefits to Fixtuur was that the .com was available!
What value do you think brings to the Fixtuur brand? Do you own any other domain names?

Getting hold of a .com domain these days is expensive, so I think we had already made peace with having a .co, .io or something similar. That said, once we’d decided to go with Fixtuur as the name, having the .com lent a certain additional authority to the new brand.
James Lewis, Chief Operating & Product Officer at Fixtuur
What was the vision and purpose of your company when it first started and how has Fixtuur evolved as a brand since?
The original vision and purpose of our company was to offer an innovative solution to the age old problem of the imagination gap, that is the inability to imagine what a room would look like with new furniture or decor.
Our vision and purpose today has evolved and expanded to educating, inspiring and giving consumers the confidence to purchase home decor products. We do this with Visual Commerce: a new way for retailers to provide better online shopping experiences through 3D product exploration, CGI and Augmented Reality.
Whilst the name DigitalBridge did somewhat evoke the idea of bridging the imagination gap, it felt dated and sounded more corporate than who we actually are.
In your area of expertise, what are some of the bad brand naming recommendations you’ve heard?
Well, I guess a brand name that is difficult to spell should be best avoided. So don’t listen to us for branding advice!
What do you do to make sure your marketing is effective?
Our marketing approach is to educate the market on Visual Commerce, an emerging category that takes advantage of new mobile technologies. We believe that if we create content about the problems that consumers face today and how retailers & brands can use Visual Commerce to help them, we’ll put ourselves in a strong position.
What would your advice be to entrepreneurs who are just starting out?
Pick a specific niche and double-down on solving that niche’s challenges, rather than trying to take on the whole market in one go. Finding a story that resonates with a focussed audience is infinitely easier than building something for everyone, shouting into the wind and being heard by nobody.
James Lewis, Chief Operating & Product Officer at Fixtuur
What is next for Fixtuur?
We’re really excited about the road ahead. We have plenty of ideas to develop on our journey to making Fixtuur the best Visual Commerce platform for retailers, brands and consumers!
Last thing, if some of our readers have more questions. Where can they reach you online?
You can find out more about our Visual Commerce platform online, or find me on Linkedin.

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
branding DigitalBridge domain domain name domains Fixtuur interview James Lewis naming rebrand
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