Several of the most prominent American sports leagues have made domain name investments a top priority in recent years. The benefit of owning a domain that matches the team’s name is that fans can easily access content related to their favorite club, also avoids the team losing money on ticket sales and merchandise.
Up until this year, MLB owned 24 of the 27 teams’ domain addresses, with the exception of the San Francisco Giants, the Tampa Bay Rays, and the Minnesota Twins.
After a decade-long battle over the domain, MLB finally obtained control of the domain name around the middle of August 2022 from twins Durland and Darvin Miller. The URL now points to the Minnesota Twins page.
In 2015, Ben Lindbergh wrote an in-depth account for Grantland on the long story surrounding and the brothers’ battle with baseball’s billion-dollar company.

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
branding domain domain name domain names domains MLB naming
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