What is Lassen Peak and what does it do?
Lassen Peak is developing the world’s first fully-integrated handheld radar system for concealed weapon detection that can be conducted anywhere in the field for use in Law Enforcement, Military, and Private Venue applications.
Who founded Lassen Peak?
The company was founded by Hatch Graham in 2019.
How much has Lassen Peak raised?
$10 million in seed funding.
Who has invested in Lassen Peak?
This information was not made public.
What domain name does Lassen Peak operate on?
Lassen Peak operates on its exact brand match, Lassenpeak.com, a great name, as the company is named after a volcano in California. Acquiring a geographic or landmark domain can represent a significant economy of advertising over time.
How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
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