Ballet Crypto is a mobile app that allows you to manage your cryptocurrency, check the market value, and add additional currency to your wallet.
Since its launch, the company went by the brand name Ballet, despite operating on the domain name A descriptive domain name communicates clearly what your company does. That’s one of the advantages of using such names: they are self-explanatory. Ironically that is also their main disadvantage – if your company expands and you decide to offer different products or services, your name becomes limiting. Ballet has recently started working with NFTs so upgrading to seems like the smartest step to take.
I chose to start a new company to really address the issue of safe and easy cold storage for everyday people, which is what Ballet ended up doing. And one of the key requirements for me in starting this company is to really come up with a compelling solution that is easy, safe, and more importantly, it’s responsible, it really gives our customers the full private key for their cryptocurrency storage, and now also for NFTs.
Bobby Lee, CEO of Ballet for
Ballet is a globally recognized term that can be used in a variety of industries, making the domain a highly valuable asset for any company in the long run.

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
ballet branding crypto domain domain name domains naming upgrade
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