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How to name your business?
By SmartBranding Team access_time 2 min read

What’s in a name? Turns out a lot. When you are just starting out, even before launching, the name you choose for your idea will affect how you, yourself, and your team see the project. Is it just a shot in the dark, so it really doesn’t matter what it’s called? Is it your dream project and you know precisely what it’s going to be called and why? How important is it to you how the world is going to “see” your idea when they hear the name?

Later on, as the project develops, things may change. Maybe your customers find the name confusing, and you are losing traffic and emails as a result. Maybe the name was okay, to begin with, but now it is limiting you to a location or a specific product. Maybe it turns out there are some legal issues with the name as you expand to different markets. The solution for those issues is often a rebrand. And rebrand means risks and expenses, the bigger the business, the higher the expenses and risks you take. Rebranding a business is a very common scenario; don’t feel you’re on your own there if you are thinking about one. Twitter was Twttr, Stripe was /Dev/Payments (yep, with the slash), Facebook was The Facebook, Tesla was Tesla Motors, Slack was Slack HQ, and that’s just the tip of a (huge) iceberg.

So, if you have done the hard work of choosing a good brand name and securing the matching domain for it, congratulations! …and actually, do feel free to get in touch and share your story with us so others can learn from your experience! If you are in the process of selecting a brand name, here is a great infographic from WpBeginners covering some of the basics of coming up with a great name.

How to name your business?

Other resources

We hope the above information will help you in making informed decisions about your brand. If you want to say hi or have any questions about naming, branding, and domain names get in touch, we’re always happy to hear from you.

branding business domain name domain names domains How to name your business? naming