What is NoBroker and what does it do?
NoBroker is a real estate platform based in Bengaluru.
Who founded NoBroker?
The company was founded by Amit Kumar Agarwal, Akhil Gupta, and Saurabh Garg.
How much has NoBroker raised?
$210 million. The company becomes the 36th Indian startup to reach a billion dollar in valuation this year.
Who has invested in NoBroker?
The round was led by General Atlantic, Tiger Global Management, and Moore Strategic Ventures.
What domain name does NoBroker operate on?
NoBroker has invested in the exact brand match NoBroker.com and local extension NoBroker.in thus making the most out of their marketing across channels and avoiding security risks.
branding business domain domain name domains funding naming NoBroker
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