In a recent DNW podcast, Serial entrepreneur and CEO Rolf Larsen shared the plans for the domain name and why it’s worth investing in.
Rolf has been involved with the VoIP company Vyke for 8+ years, so when he saw that was up for sale, he had Vyke in mind. Vyke is a mobile communications app that saves up to 94% on international calls and roaming expenses. The Vyke app works like a regular phone and is accessible on most smartphones, including iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. It gives you total control over your monthly international calling bill.
The company has already expanded its spectrum of services and has just started developing a new app. The acquisition of came just in time as Vyke was considering presenting the new product as a separate brand. The unique, premium domain name will ideally serve the purpose and bring many benefits, such as making marketing more effective and the potential to establish the brand as a global player quickly.
Rolph is not new to the power of domain names, as you can see in his interview regarding another premium brand –
Having a strong keyword .com domain name brings a lot of inherent value, such as trust and a sense of being well-established, recognizable and not to mention web-based.
CEO Rolf Larsen

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.
branding domain domain name domains premium Rolf Larsen
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