In this interview for MarkUpgrade, Avner Braverman (Co-founder & CEO of Reshuffle), and Amir Shevat (Co-founder & CPO at Reshuffle) are talking about the origin of the brand name, why securing the exact brand match domain name is important for their business, and what is the most important thing for the brand right now.
What was the original source of inspiration to start Reshuffle?
As developers ourselves, we noticed how much work it is to start a new project. A lot of it is boilerplate work, the kind that is similar between projects and doesn’t add any unique value. To make things worse, if you want to start from an existing codebase (and really, the best code is code someone else has already written), your only option is to get the source code from GitHub. This is hard – it can take hours to download, compile, and get the code working in your environment.
We want to take these pains away. By reinventing how application code is shared and how new applications are built, we can make developers dramatically more productive and free them to be more creative.
What was the process of picking a brand name like? What made you choose Reshuffle?
The brainstorming session took weeks! We looked for a name that would capture the essence of what we do, but also be a real English word. It had to be memorable and easy to spell just by hearing the name. We expect word of mouth to be a key factor in our go-to market strategy.
What problems does your product solve and how is your brand communicating that?
We completely reimagine the way developers share code, and how applications are built by reusing existing code components. We think “Reshuffle” conveys this idea – you take existing building blocks and, well, reshuffle them to create something new.
Startups often compromise on their company domain name, you clearly didn’t. What was your reasoning behind acquiring a premium name from the outset?
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to buy good domain names outright. You could compromise on spelling, meaning, or length, but in our case, we felt that a strong relatable name is important to our business. We are creating a destination site and it needs a memorable name.
What was the process of getting like?
The process itself was very smooth. It was almost fully automated online and we got all the help we needed to figure things out over email.
What was the feedback from team members, business partners, and clients like, once you launched on such a strong name?
We have just recently launched our product, so it might be a bit early to tell. Everyone inside the team loved the name immediately, which was very important to us. A great name is good for marketing but is also critical to team spirit.
What would you say are the most important elements of your brand at this point?
It was important to us that our name be memorable and related to the essence of what we do and to our value proposition.
If you weren’t able to secure, would you have gone for another name or another domain?
Probably 🙂
How do you measure the value of your brand?
I don’t think we can really, at such an early stage.
What would your advice be to entrepreneurs when it comes to naming, branding, and domains?
I think it’s important to consider your audience and what you’re building. Not all products need a strong memorable name, especially if your go-to-market focuses on direct sales. If you need to create an Internet presence or a consumer brand, naming is important.
What is next for Reshuffle, what is the biggest thing your team is working on right now?
We are 100% focused on our initial release right now, building product developers love and get value out of. Our focus is on our users.
We are 100% focused on our initial release right now, building product developers love and get value out of. Our focus is on our users.
We hope this will be of use to you in the process of getting your perfect domain name. If you have any questions, need any help, or just want to chat with someone about the process, book a free consultation at Mark Upgrade. We are always happy to hear from you.
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