UEFA has denied banning rainbow flags from the Euro 2020 fanzone and stadium in Budapest. Here’s how brands chose to rise to the occasion in Euro2021.
You know brand and branding are important but not sure how exactly? Let’s look at some facts and numbers on the ROI of a brand.
Needless to say, if there’s anyone who knows a thing or two about brands and branding, it is Bob Iger. Here are some highlights on the topic of brands and branding that we find invaluable and relevant to our audience.
Let us take a look into the past and see how things were done, how we do them now, and admit that, sometimes, not old days were better.
We recently came across the study called Six habits of digital transformation leaders, and, considering that digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, we have decided to pick the most interesting quotes that will make you think: Are you a leader or a laggard?
When it comes to branding, there are many misconceptions and mistakes, so let’s try to explain them and see how to rise to the comprehensive brand strategy game.
We asked 8 entrepreneurs what is their brand strategy for 2021. Here’s what they said.
We asked for some opinions from the fashion and entrepreneurial world what are their thoughts about Bottega Veneta’s move and what would be their advice on moving towards creating a stronger brand and building a direct connection with customers.
Recent privacy scandals, algorithm changes, censorship across social media giants raised red flags for many brand owners. Is Bottega Veneta’s move a reaction to that? Here are some opinions from the fashion and entrepreneurial world.
Why do we hold certain brands and products in such high regard? The answer is Brand Equity.
Here we will take a broader look at how this (crazy) year has affected brands and branding and what it potentially means in the long run.