Everyone needs inspiration from time to time, right? That’s why we’ve collected 12 fantastic quotes about branding that can provide you with invaluable insights. We hope you enjoy them (we certainly do).

Anyone can have a Web site. And today, because anyone can … anyone does! So how do you know which sites are worth visiting, which sites to bookmark, which sites are worth going to more than once? The answer: branding. The sites you go back to are the sites you trust. They’re the sites where the brand name tells you that the visit will be worth your time — again and again. The brand is a promise of the value you’ll receive.
Tom Peters, co-author of In Search of Excellence — the book that changed the way the world does business | Source

Good branding is, in itself, an endless source of free advertising.
Daniela Maestres, Brand Strategist and Creative Director of Run & Hop| Source

Investing in your brand intentionally, from the beginning, doesn’t just make everything easier along the journey, you will absolutely grow faster, demand higher valuations, and most importantly — deliver more value to the world.
Joanna Lord, EIR at Reforge. CMO, Board Member, Advisor & Investor | Source

If you have a strong branding for your business, people will naturally take note of it much more than they would a business without it. A business that doesn’t really have any cohesive branding isn’t going to stay in someone’s mind for very long.
Kristopher Jones, Serial entrepreneur and author | Source

Every startup needs a branding strategy. Your brand strategy gives you an outline and a plan to work through, making sure that your company hits all the goals along the way.
Zaheer Dodhia, Entrepreneur and branding expert | Source

Branding is one of the most vital parts of growing a business. It’s how you differentiate yourself from your competitors. It’s how you stand out from the crowd, and it’s what your customers feel when they think of you.
Scot Chrisman, Founder of The Media House and co-founder of Health Media Group | Source

Branding in the digital age is as essential as advertising once was.
Anuja Lath, Co-founder and CEO of RedAlkemi | Source

With effective branding you will further become visible to the investors and other stakeholders and be a valued firm. This is one big reason why startups should make branding an important component of their overall business strategy.
Mahesh Nair, Founder of Picsdream | Source

Everyone understands the importance of spending money on marketing, advertising and PR but what most people don’t realize is that all of those dollars are being wasted if you don’t have a great brand, or have a brand at all.
Kate Obert, Chief Brand Officer at Kate Obert | Source

Branding starts with customers. Customers find out about the brand much like the way they get to know someone. It’s the first impression and the first few exchanges that get them intrigued about the brand.
Kumar Arora, CEO of Arora Ventures & Trust Foods | Source

To show your target audience that you are here to stay, you should focus on your company’s branding from the very beginning. In other words, you should launch a brand, not a product.
Elena Dimoska, Co-founder & CEO of Ignite Global Media | Source

The actions you take in the first half of 2021 will have a disproportionate impact on how your business slingshots out of the pandemic. This isn’t a moment to be cautious or play it safe. This is a moment to be bold.
Jeremy Miller, Brand Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author | Source
We hope the above is of use to you in making smarter choices about your brand. Do feel free to reach out for more advice, we are always happy to help.
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