What is Qnergy and what does it do?
Qnergy is a manufacturer of clean, reliable, electric power based on Stirling engines.
Who founded Qnergy?
Qnergy was established in 2009 by Ricor Cryogenic and Vacuum, world leader in the field of miniature Stirling cryogenic coolers. The current CEO is Ory Zik.
How much has Qnergy raised?
$16 Million that will allow Qnergy to accelerate the deployment of its methane abatement products.
Who has invested in Qnergy?
The funding round was led by OGCI Climate Investments with participation from Tene Capital.
What domain name does Qnergy operate on?
The brand has secured a .com domain name exactly matching their name – Qnergy.com. This is the most popular domain extension globally and naturally the first choice to a business’ audience.

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