To get a deeper insight into the story behind ArtDependence, we spoke with Dirk Vanduffel, the Co-founder of ArtDependence, about the origin of the brand name, his choice of the domain name and the role of content in their brand-building strategy.
What is the story behind ArtDependence?
ArtDependence was founded in 2015, we are based in Belgium and thought it would be a good idea to publish in the English language. We reach a broader audience and we can share how we look at the art world from another perspective.
When did you start thinking about your brand name and how did you settle on ArtDependence?
From the moment we decided to go ahead with the initiative we looked for a name. It took us maybe one week to decide about the name and logo.
How did you get the domain name for your brand? Why did you select that one exactly?
It is not easy getting a domain name, you have to find a name first and to check if the name you have chosen is not already used somewhere on the Internet. ArtDependence says enough, it means being dependent on art, and a nice extra is that it is also pronounceable in the French language.

It is not easy getting a domain name, you have to find a name first and to check if the name you have chosen is not already used somewhere on the Internet.
Dirk Vanduffel, the Co-founder of ArtDependence
How has owning affected your business? Do you own any other domain names?
ArtDependence is first of all an interesting adventure. Businesswise, delivering quality content is important, and if possible, being on the front row when important stories break. I am very proud that we have been on the front row on several important art stories. Also, our articles have been shared worldwide. That generates extra readers for us. We also own the domain name and we are working on a new website that will be revolutionary in the traditional art world. However, at the moment, I can’t say more about it.
Who is your target customer and how is your brand name helping in reaching them?
Our audience consists of art lovers, galleries, fair visitors, art professionals and everyone else interested in art. Again, it all stands with enthusiasm and quality content.
How do you keep your brand consistent across different channels online and offline?
Since we focus mostly on the world wide web, we use social media, of course. For us, it is also important that our content is being shared on other media across the world. That gives us of course more visibility.
Has the pandemic affected your company in any way? What has changed since?
Yes, it has. The activity in the art world has been very slow in 2020, and 2021 has not started better. Therefore, there is less news, and it means less content.
What do you do to make sure your marketing is effective?
Again, quality content is most important for us. We are trying to be on the first row when important news in the art world happen. We also try being a media partner on the fairs worldwide, and this is a win-win for both, the fairs and our visibility.
What would your advice be to entrepreneurs who are just starting out, in general, and when it comes to branding and naming?
Never give up. Keep working on quality content, a top product, get your story shared so others refer to your initiative on social media, in news articles, etc.
Where do you see your business in the future?
It is hard to predict, it is already very hard to see one week ahead since things are changing at an incredible pace. Of course, the area we are active in is a niche, we have knowledge of that niche so I believe we are doing well, and we are adapted to the future. Of course, there will always be technological changes to the site, but as long as our fundaments are standing, I believe we can easily adapt.
We hope the above information will help you in making informed decisions about your brand. If you want to say hi or have any questions about naming, branding, and domain names get in touch, we’re always happy to hear from you.
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