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SmartBranding Interview Guidelines
By SmartBranding Team access_time 2 min read

Basic Interview Introduction

About the series: 

Our podcast has spotlighted 240+ entrepreneurs, helping them engage with old leads, and attract new listeners.


  • Engage with new and existing audience.
  • Produce lasting content for marketing.
  • Establish deeper credibility.
  • We’re on platforms like SpotifyAppleGoogleYouTube, and more.

Topics: Our audience consists of entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, and investors. We want to uncover your experience, entrepreneurial story, struggles and how you’ve overcome them. If relevant, we bring up branding, naming and domain names in our discussions, since it is with those topics the idea of was born.

Duration: Typically 30-45 minutes for the free audio/video interviews, no limits for the written interviews.

Ideal Guests: Entrepreneurs, marketing, naming, branding, rebranding professionals, investors, VCs.

Typical Questions:

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself? What did you do before you started your business?
  2. How was the idea for your business born?
  3. What does your company do? Who can benefit from it?
  4. How did you name your brand?
  5. What was the reasoning behind choosing the current name?
  6. What is your biggest challenge with this business? Have you overcome it and how?
  7. What advice would you give to someone looking to start a business when it comes to naming their brand?
  8. What are some trends, interesting news, dos and don’ts in your space?
  9. Depending on your area of expertise we can add specific questions to highlight what you are knowledgeable about and where you feel you can add value for our audience.
  10. You are welcome to suggest questions yourself too, please do that before booking a time for an interview.

Promotion: At the end of the interview, you are welcome to promote your business and services. Based on the type of interview you are doing we can include links in the post and tag your social media accounts.

Learn more and book a time here.