The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has sent shockwaves throughout the globe and worsened the financial market slowdown seen in the first quarter of this year. The aftermath of the conflict has affected major economies’ efforts to recover from the pandemic, resulting in a $47 billion total invested in private companies in April 2022 – […]
March marks the end of the first quarter of 2022. Crunchbase data shows that the period saw a 13% drop in venture dollar volume from $184 billion in the fourth quarter of 2021. It still has a 7% increase over the first quarter of 2021. In Q1, seed funding was the only funding stage that […]
GetUpside was founded by Alex Kinner and Wayne Lin back in 2016. With the rise of e-commerce, they noticed how personalization can unlock proven value for both people and businesses, and the brick and mortar world was having a hard time keeping up.
Overview The consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, record inflation, and market turbulence have led global venture capital financing to decline by $10 billion to $52 billion in February 2022, Crunchbase data shows. Yet, it shows a 24% increase compared to last year’s same month ($42 billion). Forty-seven new unicorn firms joined The Crunchbase […]
Visual Capitalist, founded in 2011 by Jeff Desjardins, creates and curates visual content focusing on the newest business and investment trends. The platform has gathered the 100 most valuable brands in 2021, determined by companies’ financial value and contribution.
Overview Worldwide financing to private startups reached $61 billion last month, the fourth month in a row over $60 billion, according to Crunchbase data. $3 billion was invested at the seed stage, $18 billion in the early stage, and a little over $40 billion in the later and technology-growth stages. Forty-five new companies joined the […]
Overview Mark Cuban is an American media mogul, television personality, and billionaire entrepreneur. He is the co-owner of 2929 Entertainment and the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, a professional basketball team in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Mark Cuban has invested in many successful companies and is well known for his affinity for mission-driven companies. […]
Based on our analysis of the 220 martech companies, we have identified the following key naming and domain name usage highlights.
Overview Food technology is a broad field that covers nutrition, packaging, food safety, processing systems, innovative ingredients, and alternative proteins. Israel has over 400 companies in this industry. From Technion and Hebrew University to about 35 active university labs, the country has long been home to pioneering academic institutes. With such a strong, science-based academic […]
Overview The pandemic created significant challenges for the oil and gas sector, particularly the industry majors. In addition to increased energy demand from rebounding economies, countries have been rushed for petroleum products over the past two years due to pandemic-induced supply constraints from producers. Many oil and gas companies attempt to reinvent themselves by concentrating […]