
How Independent is Your Brand?

The way to Brand Freedom starts with your domain name. Your domain name is the one place on the internet where you have full control over your brand, how it is presented, how your product or services are displayed.

Bjork Ostrom talks about blogging, entrepreneurship and branding

Bjork and Lindsay Ostrom are the founders of foodbloggerpro.com and pinchofyum.com. In just under 5 years the couple managed to build their hobby – a food blog – into a $300,000+ per year (and growing) online membership site.  Now Bjork and his wife are on a mission to continue developing their business and teach other bloggers how to turn […]

Robosoft’s MD and CEO About his Brand and How Digitalization is Changing Our Lives

We touched on the story behind the brand name, their company culture, how has the pandemic affected their business, and his thoughts on how digitalization will continue to shape our lives.

Discover 263 Logistics Companies and Their Domain Name Choices

The significant growth in the online retail sector worldwide is the driving force behind the rise of the global logistics market. Here is a shortlist of brand names we found worthy of your attention.

Fernando Nery on How to Launch a Startup and Survive in a Pandemic

Tatiana Bonneau had the pleasure to talk with one of the founders of PortĂŁo3 about how they managed to survive and thrive during the pandemic when so many established brands failed.

European Tech Startups 2021 and Their Domain Name Choices

Our research among the European tech startups shows that the companies have taken a severe approach in building a solid brand and securing their digital presence,

MakeLoveNotPorn.com - Cindy Gallop is Fighting the Myths of Porn with Great Communication

Cindy shared her own experience with young people being frustrated and lacking adequate sexual education. In her words, “hardcore porn has become the only sexual education there is.”

Names with stories: The story behind Mindstone.com

Joshua Wöhle, the CEO of Mindstone, talks about his brand, why they picked Mindstone as a brand name, and their vision to create a platform that provides anyone, anywhere in the world with the tools, confidence and motivation to take ownership of their own learning.

Names with stories: The story behind Seabenefit.com

Citlali Chevaili, Founder & CEO of Seabenefit™, talks about the origin of the brand name, the trademark process, and the importance of knowing your audience.

Names with stories: The story behind VersusGame.com

To get a deeper insight into the story behind VersusGame.com, we talk with John Vitti, CEO of Versus Game, about the origin of the company name, their domain name choice, and why consistency is the key to business success. What is the story behind VersusGame? I remember the office culture and how everyone would gather around […]

MyChewy.com upgrades to Chewy.com

From Mr. Chewy to MyChewy to Chewy.com – learn more about the story of that startup from idea to IPO.

Learn from the best: Bob Iger on branding

Needless to say, if there’s anyone who knows a thing or two about brands and branding, it is Bob Iger. Here are some highlights on the topic of brands and branding that we find invaluable and relevant to our audience.

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