
Monthly Funding Report: August 2023 Funded Startups and Their Domain Name Choices

257 companies operate with Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain names. For any business, especially startups, matching the domain name to the company’s brand name is essential because it creates instant credibility, trust, and respect.

August 2022 Funded Startups and Their Domain Choices

In August, venture capital fundraising rounds worldwide continued to fall. According to Crunchbase News research, global venture capital dropped to $25.2 billion in August 2022, the lowest monthly funding level seen in the two years since August 2020.

August 2021 recap: Which brands and domains made headlines

Hello and welcome to our August 2021 recap, a blog post that gives you an overview of the most relevant branding, naming, and domain name news.

Funded Startups August 2021 and Their Domain Name Choices

Grails team has gathered a list of 337 funded startups in August 2021. Let’s see what names and domain names some of these startups have chosen.

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