403 companies from our list use .com domains, reflecting its status as the most recognised and trusted extension for businesses with global ambitions.
Based on our analysis of the companies listed in YC W24, we have identified the following key highlights in naming and domain name usage.
Yonder has acquired its Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain, Yonder.com, a significant upgrade from the previous domains, yondercard.com and yndr.co.
387 companies out of 564 have secured a domain with a .com extension, which remains the most recognised and trusted, enhancing a company’s professional image and market reach.
240 companies have invested in Exact Brand Match (EBM) .com domains.
Gig and Take, an innovative B2B SaaS company transforming HR practices in manufacturing and supply chain industries, has rebranded to Wilya.
The .com extension remains the top choice due to its universal recognition and trustworthiness, with 377 out of 563 companies opting for it.
StepSecurity, a company specialising in protecting CI/CD pipelines and infrastructure, raised $3 million in seed funding.
The .com extension remains the preferred choice due to its universal recognition, trustworthiness, and authority online, with 408 out of 585 companies opting for it.
The .com extension, which 361 companies choose for their domains, remains the gold standard for businesses. It provides a globally recognised and trustworthy online presence.
Dictionary word .com domains like Pigment.com are highly valued for their simplicity and memorability, boosting brand recognition and online visibility.
Our analysis will focus on examining the naming and domain strategies of the top AI companies featured in this year’s list.
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