
Monthly Funding Report: September 2023 Funded Startups and Their Domain Name Choices

Among the domain extensions favoured by the companies in the list, .com emerges as the most prevalent choice, with 350 out of 523 opting for it.

Monthly Funding Report: August 2023 Funded Startups and Their Domain Name Choices

257 companies operate with Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain names. For any business, especially startups, matching the domain name to the company’s brand name is essential because it creates instant credibility, trust, and respect.

Monthly Funding Report: April 2023 Funded Startups and Their Domain Name Choices

The latest data on domain name extensions for April-funded companies shows that “.com” continues to be the most popular option, with 353 companies choosing it as their domain name extension.

Monthly Funding Report: January 2023 Funded Startups and Their Domain Name Choices

.com extension is the preferred choice among the companies on our list, with 373 out of 525 securing a .com domain name for their online presence. Customers worldwide naturally tend to trust .com as it has been dominating the internet for decades.

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