403 companies from our list use .com domains, reflecting its status as the most recognised and trusted extension for businesses with global ambitions.
By securing Zepto.com, the company has strengthened its online presence, solidified its brand identity, and created a more seamless experience for its customers.
The companies on the list show a preference for .com domains, with 404 out of 641 opting for this extension, highlighting its widespread recognition.
In October 2024, Hummingbirds secured $5.4 million in seed funding, bringing the total amount raised to $10 million.
In May 2024, Sporttape took a major step forward by investing in the Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain Sporttape.com.
Yonder has acquired its Exact Brand Match (EBM) domain, Yonder.com, a significant upgrade from the previous domains, yondercard.com and yndr.co.
In August 2024, Stride Funding rebranded to Clasp and closed an oversubscribed venture round of more than $10 million led by Crosslink Capital.
To align with its expanded services and broader market approach, Hotel Engine removed “Hotel” from its name and simply became Engine.
387 companies out of 564 have secured a domain with a .com extension, which remains the most recognised and trusted, enhancing a company’s professional image and market reach.
In September 2024, Finally, an all-in-one finance and HR suite, announced securing $50M in Series B funding from PeakSpan Capital and a $150M credit facility from Encina.
StackGen.com ensures a smooth transition for current clients and partners while bolstering the recognition and strength of its new identity.
In August, the company secured $2.75 million in seed funding from investors such as Y Combinator, Rebel Fund, Afore Capital, UpHonest Capital, and other venture capital firms.
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